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Reflective Pause..mdx


Reflective Pause.

It has been raining a lot lately in the cold city of Jos, and it continued to shower this morning. I made a cup of coffee and took sit at my workspace to focus on my self development. As I was looking through Spotify for the ideal background track to code to, I realized the following: Why am I so drawn to solitude? Does someone who aspires to program benefit from or suffer from having an introverted personality?

I enjoy the art of programming because it involves critical thinking, reasoning, and the thrill of building something from ground up... I recall the satisfaction of finally solve a bug after hours of frustration. But, to be honest, it has been a solitary journey filled with hours spent in deep thought, often lost in my own world.

And here's the thing: I can't blame programming for this isolation. The reality is, my introversion has likely played a big role. You know, it's easy to get lost yourself in the world of logic and algorithm, focusing solely on internal problem solving, learning, and iteration – similar to a loop. I improved my problem-solving skills and grew less reliant on the support of others. whereas I might be becoming disoriented in the actual world.

I have come to realize that the solitude, I sometimes find myself, isn't merely a by-product of my choice but a reflection of who I am.

However, I find myself wondering: Is this really where I belong?

Programming takes intense concentration, critical thinking and a lot of alone time. For someone like me, who thrives in solitude, it's a perfect fit. However, it also requires teamwork, communication, and the ability to network and connect with others in order to produce something greater than what one individual can accomplish alone. Is it possible that my introversion has made me overlook the value of connection?

As I sit here, sipping my coffee and watching the world outside gradually return to life after the rain. I recognize that this path I've chosen is more than just a career. It is a mirror reflecting my personality, my strength and struggles. And maybe, just maybe, it's a reminder that, while programming might be a solitary journey at times, it doesn't have to be a lonely one. I'm determined to find ways to balance my "lone wolf" nature with the collaborative aspects of programming.